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What are we missing?

Survivors know that the secret is in the


Survivors Teach Us Balance

The secret is always in the balance. The truth survivors know is that it’s not as easy to recognize dark hearts as people think. 

• Never be too self-absorbed, but don’t lose yourself

• Sacrifice for the We, but don’t give your self-respect away for anyone

• Don’t let anyone ignore your worth, but don’t be too full of yourself

• Give your partner grace, but don’t let anyone degrade you

• Forgiveness is divine, but patterns have consequences

We could go on; the line between a heart that holds Love and a dark heart that would wound you instead of Loving you isn’t as straightforward as you think. At least not until you step back and take in the overhead view. 

When we Re-Think Love, we must remember that this balance can be tricky. We need to take intentional time to share the nuance, the pattern, and the fact that there is only one way to see it in complete clarity-


Together, we are building a research-based understanding of what survivors already knew- Love is a balance, a reciprocity that can be duplicated for a short time for profit, but its truth is in its longevity. Take note, we have experts among us- let’s put our ears to the ground and listen! 

Love to each of you this week. May your knowledge of Love in all its forms be multiplied so we can pass its truth to the hearts who will follow us. Insight is a gift that can spare hearts! 

Let’s Love Well or Not at All!