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We can either keep binding the wounds of abuse or do the hard work of preparing hearts to see it before it happens. Here, we will go over the things that abusers use to target potential victims. We will also review a few ways we can shore up those areas to raise awareness. Once the abuse cycle begins, words don’t have the same power. Timing is critical! Are you ready?

Let’s look at the research on what makes someone vulnerable to abusers and then consider: do you know anyone like this? Are we ready to spare hearts from abuse before we understand what opens the door to toxic people in the first place?

  1. Empathy & compassion: more likely to overlook red flags and overwhelming hope for healing and change.
  2. Naivety or lack of experience: little to no experience, no concept of tactics like love bombing or gaslighting. (pretty much anyone YOUNG)
  3. Financial dependence/instability: as a result, it is easier to trap and control.
  4. Low self-esteem: They will be more likely to believe they deserve it.

There are other factors: past trauma, societal attitudes, cultural norms, isolation, and peer pressure to be in a relationship. More helpful information can be found at the National Domestic Abuse Violence Hotline and RAINN websites! 

grey sky with clouds with text: Is anyone else tired of pretending that the way we define Love isn't making sitting ducks of us all?

We Are All Vulnerable To Abusers

I think the question becomes, how many people do you know who aren’t on this list? I am not sure I can name anyone who doesn’t have some traits that can make them vulnerable. We all need to know what to look for and how to recognize abuse in all its murky forms. Culture is long overdue in doing the work required, but it’s not too late. We can learn it and get the word out! Abusers take note, we are not confused any longer!

How does the way we define Love play into this vulnerability? As a result, absent a healthy idea of Love, we are more likely to confuse it with attraction, jealousy, or manipulation. Culture adds to the confusion with ideas like Love hurts, jealousy is cute, and dominance is sexy. We know some good things are happening in relationship culture. But let’s remember modern Love also has some weaknesses and dangers that need to be exposed.

Practical Ways To Pass Relationship Wisdom

We are working to provide you with conversation starters to open the dialogue about what Love is. Finding ways to teach how people use fake Love to isolate and control you. Consequently, We are putting our efforts into research-based ideas that help you show you care. We will use gifts and novelties to help raise awareness and provide teaching moments. Together, we can spare hearts by preparing hearts! Toxic people will use our lack of knowledge so we can beat them at their own game.

Stay tuned as we offer Love letter jewelry, sportswear, and thermal cups to open up research-based talking points to prepare the hearts in our circle to recognize and respond to relationship issues and vulnerabilities.

We can only fight battles we are aware of. With this in mind, it’s time to teach the tactics, definitions, and concepts that leave our hearts open to people who use them to trap us in relationships we never would have chosen. 

How We Teach Vulnerability Awareness

As we navigate the complexities of relationships, it’s vital to recognize the factors that make individuals vulnerable to abuse. Subsequently, research sheds light on various vulnerabilities, prompting us to reflect on those around us who may be at risk. Let’s delve into the traits that predispose someone to abuse. We can consider how our understanding of love plays a pivotal role in safeguarding hearts.

Protective Lessons To Learn

Empathy and Compassion:

Individuals with a strong sense of empathy and compassion may overlook red flags in relationships, hoping for healing and redemption. Therefore, their willingness to see the best in others can make them susceptible to manipulation and exploitation. Abusers capitalize on their forgiving and open nature. The protection is found in learning the difference between having compassion and allowing it to take your control away and accepting disrespect.

Naivety or Lack of Experience

Young individuals, particularly those with limited relationship experience, may lack awareness of manipulation tactics like love bombing or gaslighting. Their innocence and trust make them easy targets for abusers who prey on their naivety, leading to harmful relationships. We can help with this by supporting the education of healthy relationships and providing learning opportunities in peer group settings. If we leave the job of education to popular culture and peer groups, we cannot hope for them to see the dangers; they are the ones who propagate ideas that make

Financial Dependence/Instability

Financial dependence or instability can trap individuals in abusive relationships. As a result, they may lack the resources or means to leave. Abusers exploit this vulnerability to exert control and maintain power over their partners, making it challenging for victims to break free. Protection here takes the form of education about financial abuse. Learning to encourage personal responsibility in finances and protecting assets while not connecting to people before we know their situation.

Low Self-Esteem

Individuals with low self-esteem may internalize abuse, believing they deserve mistreatment or that they are unworthy of love and respect. In addition, this distorted self-perception makes them more susceptible to manipulation and coercion by abusers who capitalize on their insecurities. We need more emphasis in families, schools, and churches about the power of knowing your value and not accepting lies. One of the quickest ways we become vulnerable to isolation is believing we aren’t worthy, and it is far too readily accepted that we need to retreat from our communities. We can begin the work early to remind children- our value is inside us, and what we do does not diminish it.

Understanding these issues gets us ready to spare hearts from abuse by giving us something to focus on in preventative discussions! Building a foundation and confidence sets the stage for recognizing when other people disrespect or manipulate us.

Growing Healthy Love That Reveals It’s Counterfeit

Protecting hearts from abuse requires a collective effort to address vulnerabilities and redefine love in a healthy, empowering light. Despite the best intentions, we often skip this education at great risk to the hearts who seek connection. Let’s commit to loving well by fostering understanding, empathy, and respect in our relationships. We can ensure that more people have the opportunity to thrive in safe and nurturing relationships. Together, we can create a culture where love uplifts and empowers rather than diminishes and harms.

Are you ready to spare hearts from abuse? Let’s start here- Let’s Love Well or Not at All!  Most specifically, I hope you will join us, follow us, and find us on IG and YouTube. Together, we can make a difference and leave a legacy that spares hearts from abuse for generations to come!