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What Holds You Back?

What do you want?

Until you put it out there, you won’t know it’s a goal. Till it’s a stated goal, you won’t know how to break it into little goals! Until you break it up it will be an unsettled feeling that you try to scoot around mentally for the entirety of 2024. Enough is enough.

What holds you back? Could it be you don’t know it’s possible and are afraid to speak it in case it’s not going to happen? 2024 & Real Love in all it’s forms may be the combination your life has been waiting for. It may be the answer that can move you.

We can spend years in the waiting room only to find that everyone out on the playing field is exactly like us: human, flawed, and a little afraid. That is life! What shakes us from the tree of complacency? Often, it takes an earthquake to wake us up. Something so big, so painful, we can’t stay where we are.

Other Ways To Move

It doesn’t have to be a catastrophe that moves us; it looks good on an IG post, but it’s not the only kind of shift that happens. I am low-key grateful for that nugget of truth- how about you? We can decide to move the needle. We can decide that being in a life that limits us is not our only choice. Why wait for life to move us?

This isn’t a pep talk to get on online dating sites or to fix the relationship you are in. Those things may be necessary, or not. I am talking about real Love- the kind we share with everyone we touch. The type of Love that starts with how we appraise ourselves, our beliefs, character, and actions. It moves from there to the world outside. Real Love of our lives that fills the days with something you can sink your teeth into!

The Choice To Love in 2024

You can choose to Love everyone in your circle, love your life, and curate a life that grows you and helps build connections. So often, we put the cart before the horse, wanting to develop a screen-worthy Love from the foundation of life we have undershot and held back. 

In 2024, let’s build a life with meaning that we are proud of, and then we will be ready to conquer everything outside our arms reach. 

Let’s not leave passing ideas of Love that build a life off the list. For us, for the little hearts who follow us! There is hope ahead, and it can be different and pure Love.

Thanks for being on this journey! Happiest New Year to all! 

We have so much good ahead; let’s keep changing twisted ideas of Love that leave us wounded.

Together, we are making the monolith move! Let’s GO! 

Of course we are Loving Well or Not at All!